Kazuki Kagohashi
6 July 2024
As a representative from SEEPS (Society of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies), I presented on the importance of the "Landcare approach" toward the achievement of nature-positive in Japan.
As a representative from SEEPS (Society of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies), I was invited to present the importance of the "Landcare approach" toward achieving the nature-positive goals in Japan at the online joint symposium.
The symposium was fairly large (about 180 participants), and three academic societies (Society of Environmental Law and Policy, Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology, and SEEPS) co-held it for over 15 years. I was privileged to speak at and participate as a panellist in the roundtable session.
My point was that Landcare has expanded the capital assets (natural capital, manufactured capital, human capital, etc.) and invested in enabling assets such as social capital, local knowledge, coordinators/facilitators, etc., that promote nature-positive. The history of Landcare in Australia teaches us about the power of communities in achieving local/regional sustainable development.
I also received an invitation from the Japanese Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies editor to publish a paper based on my presentation. I appreciate the opportunity and hope to share it somewhere in English.
環境3学会合同シンポジウムで講演させて頂きました。今回のテーマは「Nature Positive: 実現に向けた方策の検討」で、私はオーストラリアのランドケアがネイチャーポジティブに果たしうる役割と意義について発表しました。ランドケアはローカルの様々な資本資産(自然資本、人工資本、人的資本など)への投資を促進するとともに、ネイチャーポジティブの担い手(エネーブリング資産としてのコーディネーターやファシリテーター、社会関係資本やローカルな知識など)を育成するというのが、今回の私の主な論旨でした。今回の内容は『環境経済・政策研究』で展望論文として執筆させていただく予定です。